Taking the lead to solve the problem of plastic water bottles.

It is time to reduce the indiscriminate use of plastic in our daily lives for the health of people and the planet.
Then, what kind of water is good for our body and the planet?

Cartons are without risk of carcinogens even when exposed to sunlight.

According to the result of the 2022 government (Board of Audit and Inspection) survey on drinking water, grade 1 carcinogens were detected in plastic water bottles exposed to sunlight.

PET bottled water poses a risk of carcinogens due to exposure to sunlight

Cartons boast the lowest carbon emissions during production and disposal.

What would happen if Korean consumers replaced plastic bottles with cartons? About 300,000 tons of carbon emissions can be reduced, which is equivalent to the effect of planting about 45 million 30-year-old pine trees. Isn't it surprising that simply changing a 'container' can achieve this much reduction in carbon emissions?

Carbon emissions by container

Used cartons are not discarded but recycled as useful resources.

If used cartons are brought to the Natural Dream store, members can receive points, contributing to global environment.

cartons recycling

The world today is switching to cartons to protect the Earth.

Plastic takes 5 seconds to make, 5 minutes to use, and 500 years to decompose. There is growing awareness around the world that reducing the production and consumption of plastics is essential for the global environment.

Carton water at the Hiroshima G7 summit on May 19 2023
▲ Carton water at the Hiroshima G7 summit on May 19 2023
iCOOP Natural Dream’s No Plastic Campaign Promise
▲ iCOOP Natural Dream’s No Plastic Campaign Promise
"I will not use plastic water bottles"